先日、2015年のバス事故以来4年ぶりとなる一夜限りの復活ライヴを行うことを発表したロサンゼルス出身メロディックハードコアバンドThe Ghost Insideですが、事故で右足を失ったドラマーAndrew Tkaczykがライヴに向けての気持ちを自身のInstagramで語りました。
「2015年11/19から1,197日が経った。あの日僕たちの人生が永久に変わってしまったんだ。そこから今まで本当にたくさんのことがあった。あの頃、座って、天井をじっと見つめて、再びThe Ghost Insideでライヴを行うことを夢見ない日はなかった。数え切れないほど夢を見たよ。悪い夢も、良い夢も。でも今それが実現するんだ。
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It’s been 1,197 days since November 19th 2015. The day that changed our lives forever. A LOT has happened between then and now. There hasn’t been a single one of those days where I haven’t sat down, stared at the ceiling, and dreamt about the first time @theghostinside plays a show again. I’ve had countless dreams about it. Some bad. Some good. But now it’s reality. Was there a point in time where I thought it was impossible? Several. Was I uncertain about the future of the band? Certainly. I didn’t want to let one major event define me as a human. When I woke up in the hospital without my right leg, I chose not to throw myself a pity party. I chose to learn how to own it. My “this won’t beat me” attitude, is what got me to this point. There’s no denying it. Life hit us pretty hard. But it’s not about how hard you get hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. Yeah, yeah I know. Rocky quote. But I’ve never believed that more in my life than I do now, and on July 13th 2019, we get to demonstrate that sentiment to the world. Do I have anxiety about playing a show again? You bet your fucking ass I do. I’m terrified. It’s been impossible to not focus on who I was, who I am now, and what I will become. At the same time, I’m sure as soon as we start playing, all that anxiety will drain out of my body and mind, and I’ll feel right at home. Either way, we feel like we don’t only owe it to ourselves to do this show, but we owe it to all of our family, friends, and fans for the overwhelming amount of love and support you’ve given us these last 3+ years. None of us know how this is going to go. Hundreds, maybe even thousands of you have messaged me over the last few years asking “When will you tour again?” To which I didn’t even reply. That’s because I don’t know. We don’t know. But we’re about to find out. It would mean the world if you could come out and share this once in a lifetime experience with us. Tickets go on sale this Friday @ 10 am PST.
Andrew Tkaczykさん(@illgrip)がシェアした投稿 –
バンドは7/13にカリフォルニア,ロサンゼルスのShrine Expo Hallで一夜限りの復活ライヴを行います。